Glossar Letter T
taper cap
Cap with ogival shape, it narrows -almost to a point -at one end .
Metal ring on the bottom of pens for cosmetic purposes. It was used to balance the look of the pen. Mostly associated with parker 51's and vacs.

Taylorix verkaufte Buchhaltungssysteme in den dreissiger bis 50iger Jahren. Dazu passend ließ Taylorix bei Kaweco, Osmia und besonders Pelikan Füllhalter bauen, die nur mit Taylorix markiert waren. Die Feder ist eine harte, feine Durchschreibefeder.

When Wahl bought the Boston Pen Co. in 1917, to add pens to it's line of Eversharp pencils, the first pens produced were called Tempoint. This was basically Wahl's name for the exact pens produced by Boston. In the early '20s, Wahl focused on metal pens and the Tempoint name was dropped. Wahl's line of hard rubber pens became known as the Signature line.
fare test

Touchdown filler
A pump style filler that fills the pen on the down stroke.

Sheaffer's name for the famous conical shaped nib introduced in 1942. Later used as the name for a pen model.
True Blue
True Blue
True Blue

a late '20s Parker button-filler of blue and white plastic. The white was very prone to discoloration and True Blues are very hard to find in good color. They were made as pocket pens and ring-tops.

a pocket pen from Sheaffer in the mid '40s. Tuckaways came in many varieties and were made as either plunger-fillers or touchdown fillers. Most had a short clip, but some were made with no clip.
turning knob (pistonfiller)
Kolbengriff or Konus

The knob at the barrel´s end of a pistonfiller pen, wich is attached to an inner spiral mechanism. By turning the knob, the piston seal is moved up and down, which draws ink into the pen like a syringe would do.
turning knob (safetyfiller)
Drehknopf (Sicherheitshalter)

The knob at the barrel´s end of a safetyfiller pen, which is a attached to a spiral mechanism inside the barrel. By turning the knob, the inside spiral propels the nib in and out of the barrel.

Pens that employed a rubber ink sac, but used a mechanism to twist the sac to expel air and create a vacuum rather than a pressure bar as with other rubber sac pens.